The Biddle Farm and Farragut Continues

Remember when Farragut Vice Mayor Louise Povlin led Farragut to not approve the Knox County/Knoxville/Farragut renegotiated Urban Growth Plan? Well, guess what if Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs and Knox County Commission wanted to prove the old saying, “they will need us before we need them”.

It could happen with the $6 million dollar, 30 year TIF that developer Bud Collum is wanting for the Biddle Farm development in Farragut. But that is just the kind of conspiracy theories that a blogger comes up with, when he ain’t sleeping.

the development plan for the Biddle Farm

the development plan for the Biddle Farm

The Farragut Citizens for Responsible Growth and Development have not thrown in the towel yet on Biddle Farm. They have a petition asking the Town of Farragut for a few things, read about it here. You can also read about it here on Nextdoor.


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3 Responses

  1. Pat Lee says:

    This is a bureaucratic steamroller; they vote in lockstep with this developer 100% of the time while Knoxville tells him not so fast.
    There is a reckoning coming to Farragut.

  2. Frank says:

    Spoke with my Commissioner and the $6 million dollar TIF will be voted on. This is outrageous.

  3. Frank says:

    The video of the Town of Farragut making lame excuses why people should trust Budd Cullom.