Bill of Rights Dinner

Friday night the first annual Bill of Rights Dinner was held at Calvary Baptist Church on Kingston Pike in Knoxville. In spite of the horrific news of the shooting at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT. Over 75 people attended.

The dinner was a special project by the Center City Republican Club. Center City Republican Club President and Powell Community Activist Bo Bennett did an exemplary job organizing and leading this successful event. Former Knox County Commissioner Ivan Harmon also assisted Bennett ensuring the success.

Knox County Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones and State Senator Stacey Campfield were recognized for their support of our Bill of Rights. Buddy Burkhaardt, Candidate for Knox County Republican Party Chairman was the only Knox County Republican Party Chair candidate to attend. The other three announced candidates did not attend.

Plans are already being made for the second Knox County Bill of Rights Dinner.

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