
Why Has Bill Ailor Not Filed a Financial Disclosure?

Bill Ailor, Republican Candidate for Circuit Court Div. II has not filed a financial disclosure. All judicial candidates are to file on the state’s website here.

As of 11:50 p.m. on 4/16/2014 here is what you find when you search for Bill Ailor.


After you click on the Report List link you should be able to click on disclosures. As of 11:52 p.m. on 4/16/2014 this is what you find.


Ailor is unopposed in the Republican Primary on May 6, 2014 and will oppose Circuit Court Judge Harold Wimberly during the General Election on August 7, 2014.

He had a campaign kickoff on March 30, 2014 at Bridgewater Place which would indicate that he accepted contributions before 3/31/2014 and should have filed a financial disclosure by 4/10/2014.

Ailor has Janet Tidwell listed as Treasurer and on his Campaign Kickoff event he list McCalla Kuhlman as Campaign Manager.

In the event the campaign filed the financial disclosure with the Knox County Election Commission, I went there. At 12:15 a.m. on 4/17/2014 this is what Knox County Election Commission shows for Bill Ailor.


Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise. – Ted Turner

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3 Responses

  1. Sunshine says:

    To be fair it does look bad for that to happen, but there is also a very simple explanation. You can mail in your disclosures, and so long as the postmark date is the day of or prior to the deadline that is sufficient.

    That said it could be several days or even weeks before a disclosure may show up online. OF COURSE that is not to say that this is what happened in this case, it is just an observation that could explain the issue.

    Stay Sunny y’all!

  2. BHornback says:

    If that is the case and if that is the advice he received and accepted. He clearly needs a better advisor or two. This is 2014, utilizing the USPS is outdated and not a good source of doing the publics business in an open and transparent manner for a potential Judge.

  3. BHornback says:

    Sunshine, I just checked the state requires all financial disclosures to be filed online unless the have raised and/or spent less than $1,000. Ailor has surely raised or spent at least $1,000 maybe not.