Cohen a WBIR “talking head” States The Obvious

Last night, WBIR went to their talking heads for analysis and comment and Mike Cohen said,

“It was clearly a big Republican turnout and they voted Republican”

That kind happens when there is a Republican Primary on the ballot. Shocking, I know.

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5 Responses

  1. Mike Cohen says:

    Except that the judicial races were general elections, not primaries. And GOP voters have helped elect Democrats like Fansler many times before.

  2. BHornback says:

    Actually, Fansler was only elected once in a contested election in 1998. In 2006, he was unopposed. So your statement of “many times” is in error.

    How and what qualifications are required to be a “talking head”

  3. Mike Cohen says:

    Qualifications to be a talking head? You have to have a head and be able to talk.

    And I didn’t say they had elected Fansler many times. I said “helped elect Democrats like Fansler many times” which is absolutely correct.

  4. Talking head says:

    In order to be a talking head in this town a person has to have at least some affiliation with the University of Tennessee. Either being a former student who took a class, a current professor either adjunct or full-time or a graduate from the law department.

  5. Elwood Aspermonte says:

    What does Cohen have on WBIR that makes them put him on their show? In my opinion, he’s disconnected from the real political efforts other than what is fed to him or what he picks up through the courthouse and stooging for businesses in front of county commission.

    And SRW continues to shill for the Haslam klan although she’s about as useless as they come, no real talent other than she knows and mugs for a lot of people in Knoxville, but she said Ron Ramsey was the big loser? Ramsey just wiped every Democrat out of Knox County politics for the next 10 years and if they want to they’ll knock Too Tall Deatheridge back to school, although they may leave her in place just so locals can look at what a Democrat really looks like.

    Might want to run a quick talley of Haslam appointed officials which had to run against opposition this time, many of them were discarded as well.

    If they had up or down retention votes on a number of his cabinet members, they would have been flushed out of the governor’s office quicker than John Duncan III and his army of stink pickles being run out of the city county building.